We Have a Mission, Are You Doing It?
To all my Christian friends,
If you claim Christ as your Savior, then this is for you.
As a Christian, you have a MISSION, you have a PURPOSE here on this earth and that is to MAKE CHRIST KNOWN. Your job, first and foremost, even before your job as wife/husband/parent/construction worker/teacher/whatever else you may do, before any of that- your job is to show Jesus to the world. And this is a job done by interacting with people, either in person or online. That being said, are you doing it?
Especially on social media, are you showing Jesus to the world? Are you letting the Holy Spirit show His presence in you? Or are you showing them your human side? Are you letting your sin nature out and proclaiming that to the world of social media?
Please take a minute and truly ponder that. Look at the things you’re posting, sharing and commenting.
“Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.” (Eph. 4:29) I’ve been very bothered lately to see so many people who claim Christ as their Savior do the exact opposite of that verse, especially where politics, covid, and masks are concerned. Avoiding unwholesome talk- aka rudeness and insults- doesn’t make you soft or a pushover, IT MAKES YOU A CHRIST FOLLOWER.
We all have opinions and we all think our opinions are right, so we want to share them in order to help others see what we believe is the truth. I get that and I’m the exact same way. We have a right to share our opinions and I absolutely think we should! The problem is, many of you are sharing your opinions while being extremely rude and insulting. And that’s not ok. You can’t insult someone one minute then praise God the next. “With the same tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in God’s likeness…This should not be.” (James 3:9–10)
I get it that sometimes it’s very frustrating when someone is way off in their beliefs and it makes you want to call them an idiot. Been there, done that. Trust me, I’m talking to myself here too. But that is NOT how we as Christians should be interacting with people. We are held to a higher standard because OUR JOB IS TO BUILD THE KINGDOM. Calling someone an idiot is NOT building the Kingdom. That does NOT open doors for the Gospel. That does NOT show them Jesus. That does NOT even convince them that your side is right. It just makes them mad and tarnishes the name of Jesus. So stop it.
Each and every person reading this has a different friends list, a different sphere of influence, different people who have an opportunity to be introduced to Jesus through you. And I guarantee there are people on your list who don’t know Jesus as their Savior. You may be the only person on their list who actually knows Jesus. Can you honestly sit there and say you’ve shown Him to them? Have they been able to see something different in you? Have you helped point them in the right direction toward Jesus, the only one who can save them from Hell? Or have you shown them your sinful human side, the side that’s no different from the rest of the world?
If so, I’m here to tell you that you’ve got some work to do. Before you post, comment, or share again, think about whether that is building up the kingdom and benefiting those who listen. If it’s not, don’t post it! Even take it a step further and truly let people see Jesus in your heart. If you call yourself a Christian, then you believe that Jesus truly saved you, so share that! Tell people about what you know for certain is true! Tell people about the love He has from them!
Now please know, this is all coming from a place of love for Jesus, His Kingdom, and you. This isn’t some veiled attempt to get one person’s attention, it’s a plea to literally every Christian out there, those I personally know and those I don’t, including myself. So if this made you question any of your words or actions, or if you felt at all uncomfortable reading this- then good! That means the Holy Spirit is doing His job and convicting you in your heart. It means this was for you and I pray it made an impact.
We all have room to grow and thank the Lord for His mercy and grace to us when we inevitably fail. But right now, this world is hopelessly searching for truth in all the wrong places and it desperately needs to be impacted by the absolute truth of the Gospel. As followers of Christ, it is OUR job to show them. And that simply won’t happen if they think Christians are all jerks because we’re rude on social media.
It seems simple and small, but for the world, this is literally a matter of life and death…the eternal kind…and its time we took it seriously and showed them Jesus.